Getting to know me

This has been running around again. I answered the survey on a mertuil blog but I wanted to find it again to refer to it. I am impressed that I actually did. So instead of just pointing to someone else’s blog entry from 2002 (Nov 6th to be exact) or copying this into the responses on nanidesuka‘s blog, I figure I will put it on my own.

1. WHAT TIME DO YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING? M-F 6:30am. It takes me an hour to actually acknowledge that I have to face the day and get out of bed. Feed me first and it is a much quicker process.

2. IF YOU COULD EAT LUNCH WITH ONE FAMOUS PERSON, WHO WOULD IT BE? I don’t do will with famous people. I would like to join a cool person but not know they were famous.


4. WHAT WAS THE LAST FILM YOU SAW AT THE CINEMA? The tuxedo (As of now, this would be Chicago. Loved it. Got the soundtrack. Wanna dance)

5. FAVORITE TV SHOW? Firefly (it was a toss up between Buffy and Firefly but Firefly is so wonderful and sooo doomed that I have to enjoy it to the utmost while I can) (Yes, Firefly is gone and it is still my favorite. Buffy and Dead Zone are next on my list)

6. WHAT DID YOU HAVE FOR BREAKFAST THIS MORNING? Bologna sandwich on white with mayonnaise and mustard, apple juice (this morning it was quiche but that is because I am out of baloney)

7. WHAT WOULD YOU HATE TO BE LEFT IN A ROOM WITH? Just myself and nothing else. Some one save me from the boredom from lack on interaction!


9. WHAT INSPIRES YOU? Ideas bouncing between people

10. BEACH, CITY OR COUNTRY? City (better answer, and I can’t believe I didn’t say this the first time, is SUBURBS. Maybe I am feeling the crowding of the city more lately)

11. SUMMER OR WINTER? Spring, which is what we should be calling the winters out here.


13. BUTTERED, PLAIN OR SALTED POPCORN? Lightly buttered and salted, Movie Theater Flavor

14. FAVORITE COLOR? Black, believe it or not.

15. FAVORITE CAR? Currently, the Mini, if it was my sized


17. BELIEVE IN TRUE LOVE? There is many kinds of love, why not “true”, what do you mean by “true”?

18. WHAT CHARACTERISTICS DO YOU DESPISE? Falsehood as in not letting me know what you really think

19. FAVORITE FLOWER? Variety as long as they don’t make me sneeze

20. IF YOU HAD A BIG WIN IN THE LOTTERY, HOW LONG WOULD YOU WAIT TO TELL PEOPLE? Like I could wait and not tell people? Ha

21. FIZZY OR STILL WATER AS A DRINK? What is with this “STILL” stuff. It is water. The other stuff (fizzy) is the weird stuff. Give me my flat water!

22. WHAT COLOR IS YOUR BATHROOM? White and green (Lots of Ivy, very ivy themed)

23. HOW MANY KEYS ON YOUR KEY RING? 10, Car, house-gate-deadbolt-mailbox-whoknows, door and deadbolt to the DangerTwin’s place, two storage keys (still need to find a home for the extra). The key’s to K’s place and car and the motorcycle keys are on the skull on the door at home. I like keys

24. WHERE WOULD YOU RETIRE TO? Retire? Ha! I will find out if/when it happens.


26. FAVORITE DAY OF THE WEEK? They are all about the same right now. Some have good attached some have bad, sometimes it is the same day. And of course it changes a lot every week.

27. RED OR WHITE WINE? Neither, don’t like wine

28. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY? Annual party at friends house for all Nov Birthdays and I think that was it. This year’s is looking better. (this year had good and bad attached to it. I got to spend my birthday with two wonderful gentlemen but the Plough announcement got forgotten about and the birthday waltz I requested at Friday Night Waltz was also forgotten. Next year, I don’t think I will announce my birthday is coming up. That way it won’t hurt so much when it gets forgotten or missed.)

29. DO YOU CARRY A DONOR CARD? No, too afraid I might be stuck around if any of my pieces aren’t destroyed. But hey, after I’m dead you can do anything you want with what is left over, I won’t know or care.

30. SAY SOMETHING NICE ABOUT THE PERSON THAT SENT THIS TO YOU: Rachel is someone I think will always be a part of my life whether we see each other often or not. We fit together too well. And I am really grateful for this. (this round is from Ken and I appreciate his ability to stick with me even when I am being a massive pain.)

31. WHO DO YOU LEAST EXPECT TO SEND THIS BACK TO YOU? I would have said Adonis but I think his is the phantom response

32. WHO IS THE PERSON YOU EXPECT TO SEND THIS BACK FIRST? It would have to be someone that reads Mertuil’s journal and hasn’t already posted, so my guess would be either Internet_addict or Opus if anyone follows me at all (and no one did. maybe Snakefeathers will jump on the bandwagon this time around :)

2 thoughts on “Getting to know me

  1. All right already. Sheesh. ;-)

    Yes, I have bowed to the inevitable. I have caved in to peer pressure. I have taken the survey. I am a weak, weak man, easily bullied and manipulated by beautiful women (actually, in this I am the same as 99% of the world’s males).

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