Type of intellegence:
You scored as Logical/Mathematical. You like to work with numbers and ask questions. You learn best by classifying information, engaging in abstract thinking and looking for common basic principles. People like you include mathematicians, biologists, medical technicians, geologists, engineers, physicists, researchers and other scientists.
The Rogers Indicator of Multiple Intelligences |
Logical/Mathematical is pretty much dead on. I am surprised that Visual/Spatial wasn’t second. I think I communicate out Verbal/Linguistic but don’t take in all that well that way. Musical/Rhythmic is last. I don’t think I understand what exactly is involved with Intrapersonal and Interpersonal so I can’t evaluate these. Hmmm sounds like I am taking a Logical approach to this.
Zodiac test:
What sign of the Zodiac am I?
Hmmm, I am a scorpio by birth and I know I have a few scorpio aspects but not all of them. I don’t know enough about the aspects of the different types to tell how close this is but I think it is humorous that scorpio is so far down the list. From looking up Aquarius I would say I would have to agree on the independence and originality but have to disagree on the humanitarian bent. The fact that Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus is interesting since I have dressed as Sailor Uranus. The only thing that fits for Pisces is imaginative. The rest is not me.
You scored as Air. The predominant element in your life is AIR. Air rules intellect and logic, and the signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
Which of the Five Elements are you? |
Air is what I am least drawn to. I would say Earth first and then Water. Maybe that is because I am too full of Air and need more balance. Fire is pretty but it doesn’t call out to me. Spirit is something I am fighting with right now.
I would have liked to see all of the element answers. I’ve always felt an affinity for water, but I was surprised that I scored lower for earth than fire.
I got spirit, but I don’t know how to do the fancy links.
I am fire.