The picnic was fun for those that made it but it is such a busy time of year. I was a little surprised we has as many people as we did. Sometime soon I should have more pictures posted from it.
I heard many wonderful things about Caroling on Halloween. It is too bad the season is so full of fun things that we can’t do them ALL!!!!
I did and I love the card. I had to share it with Jennifer (at work) and she loved it too (she is saving it to give to others). My friends are so delightfully twisted, I love ya all.
Your math is correct and it is 39, next year is 40 and I have no idea what I am doing. 42 is the big year for me (personal significance) and there is a good chance I am going skydiving that day. For 40, I don’t know. I am looking forward to it and dreading it. Dreading it because I don’t want the disappointment of a special day gone bust.
Thanks you for being my friend and for being back in my life.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
(throws much confetti and glitter)
of course with glitter. And I am betting it is pink too, isn’t it.
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday, Gina.
Your post meant a lot to me. Thank you.
Happy Birthday lady! Sorry I didn’t make it to the picnic (Dickens ate my life). Rachel’s pictures made it look like a shame to miss out on.
The picnic was fun for those that made it but it is such a busy time of year. I was a little surprised we has as many people as we did. Sometime soon I should have more pictures posted from it.
I heard many wonderful things about Caroling on Halloween. It is too bad the season is so full of fun things that we can’t do them ALL!!!!
Happy, happy birthday, Gina! Love ya!
Happy birthday!!!
- Mark
Hippo Birdies!!!
Hey there – happy happy happy birthday!!!!
Happy birthday!
Awesome! Happy birthday! I hope you have a great day of it.
Happy birthday! Oh em gee!
Happy birthday! Hope you have a fabulous year.
Happy Birthday to the Gina!
Happy Birthday!
Yo Lady.
Hippo Birdee.
Woo hoo!
many happy returns, Gina.
Happy Birthday Gina!!
(check your email!!)
I did and I love the card. I had to share it with Jennifer (at work) and she loved it too (she is saving it to give to others). My friends are so delightfully twisted, I love ya all.
Your math is correct and it is 39, next year is 40 and I have no idea what I am doing. 42 is the big year for me (personal significance) and there is a good chance I am going skydiving that day. For 40, I don’t know. I am looking forward to it and dreading it. Dreading it because I don’t want the disappointment of a special day gone bust.
Thanks you for being my friend and for being back in my life.
Happy Birthday!
Ooh, I get to give you the same birthday candle twice!
hippo birdies two ewe….
Happy birthday!
This is late, but Happy Birthday.