
In my last entry, I totally forgot the wonderfulness that was the rain Sunday morning. It woke me up at 8am. It sounded like someone was watering the plants outside except as I moved nearer to the door, it got louder than it should be. I opened the door and there was water falling from the sky and the most delightful feel to the air. I was so tired from the night before I just wanted to climb back into bed (my alarm wasn’t to go off for another half an hour) but I sat in my doorway in my nightshirt just experiencing the rain. I closed my eyes and just felt the breeze of the air and the water pushed it from outside into my apartment. I listened to the drops hit the leaves. I opened my eyes and watched the little plants shiver when they were hit, the ripples as drops hit standing water, branches flow in the breeze, the soft light. I found a smile on my face and contentment in my heart. I was very please to be awakened and willing to get up so that I could experience the rain because I knew it would be gone by the time I would actually leave the for the day. It is really rare for me to be grateful to be up in the morning to just experience anything.

I was very surprised and delighted we had rain in September. I miss the rain and I am so grateful to get a sneak preview of the winter. It makes dealing with the Bay Area Summer a little easier. Now if only we could avoid that one more heat wave that is due at this time of year.

One thought on “Rain

  1. sadly, the rain down in summyvale was not heavy enough to be heard on the roof… but I enjoyed the view from my balcony and the sweet cool dampness in the air.

    need rain icon!!

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