A year milestone

I just sent off a 3 page letter/email stating some things I have been holding onto for almost a year. I have spent at least two months writing and editing this letter. I think I have done a great job of being clear, saying things that need to be said, and doing it in the least damaging way possible. I am hoping it will allow me to finally lay some things to rest, heal and get on with my life. This has affected me too much for much too long. I want over it already.

Don’t worry if you don’t know what I am talking about. This post is a milestone marker for me.

6 thoughts on “A year milestone

  1. I might know – might not though.

    In any case, it is a goodness that your load is lightened and you were the one that did the lightening…lighting? *ZAP*

  2. Even if you don’t get the response you want, you know that you did this, and that you put the best of yourself into it.

    Even if I don’t know the specifics – and even if I do – I understand that talking over static is rough, that you’re going against instincts that have grown up to protect you, that you may get hurt, and that you’re still better for having done this.

    In this labyrinthine situation, I wish you peace.

  3. Good luck on finding peace with what was troubling you. We don’t need to break into a cemetary & perform a funeral, do we? Once was quite surreal enough for me. ;)

    1. No breaking into a cemetery this time. Been there, Done that. And so appreciate your participation, oh offical one. ;) The time after that, I did a Viking Funeral where I built a little boat, filled it with pictures and torched the sucker out in the Bay (oooo-bright burny thing, lots of flames).

      This time was a Witchual (wicca and ritual mushed together) on Ocean Beach back in Sept. We cast an Enneagram as the circle and had a big bonfire burning old emails and related items as well as doing a cobbled together letting go ritual with multiple candles. Spent all day gathering supplies and about 7 hours on the beach. These things get bigger each time, damn it. I am not going to be able to afford breaking up with anyone anymore because I will need an equivalent of an entire movie production for the next one *snerk*.

      Me, need Drama? Nah. Ha!

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