In the past, when things haven’t been working between me and friends, I would let go and just find other friends. I use to be good at quiting and really good at finding more of my type of people.
A couple of years ago, I tried something different. I emailed two friends of mine telling them I felt left out and that the only thing I could think of doing was to quit and move on. I got two very intense emails back telling me that my friendship mattered and the relationships got much deeper than they were before. It was a Good Thing(tm).
One of the reasons I was so good at quiting is because things were kept on the surface. I have been trying to forge deeper relationships since that experiment a couple of years ago. It isn’t so easy to quit anymore.
Lately, I have a few different friendships that I feel aren’t working. I know they like me and would want me around but I am feeling like I have put out more energy in than I am getting back. I have tried to initiate contact and getting together and I have gotten excuses and reasons why what I propose wouldn’t work. Which is really fine. People’s lives don’t match up to mine and there are going to be conflicts. The thing that is missing is that these friends don’t come up with alternatives. I give them space because they are busy with something and when that something is over, I still don’t hear from them. I know it isn’t that they don’t like me but I do feel like having me in their lives are not worth it to them. I was trained from the time I was a small child through college that I should always be ready to move on, that friends get tired of me. This lack of initiation from others triggers those feelings.
I leave doors open for people I care about but when they don’t use them for long periods of time, I get cold from the draft and I start to close the door. I am no longer receptive. I still like these people but I don’t care as much.
I have been thinking about this post for about two weeks. I have some friends I am ready to write off as no longer close and that I need to close the door between us because I feel I am the only one willing to work at keeping it open. And the energy I am using is not getting me what I need in return so all I am doing is hurting myself.
Because of my experiment about telling people what I am feeling, I was planning on letting each friend know what was up and basically check in. I might get lucky and end up with something more out of it. Worse case scenario, I would be right and doing what I would have done anyway. Then I realized that I had quite a few of these heartfelt letters to write. I think I was up to 4 or 5. That got me to thinking that maybe the issue isn’t with my friends, maybe it is in how I am seeing things right now.
I know I am battling some sort of depression right now. I thought I should wait to write those letters until I could tell what was reality and what was just a filter over my eyes. Maybe it was that my energy is worth more to me now than at other times. It feels like the energy I get back isn’t enough. It feels like it costs me more than I can afford to get to a point where I feel they will notice me and give me any energy at all. I don’t know if these costs are absolutes and I was spending more than I should before. I don’t know if things have changed for my friends and they don’t have as much to give. I don’t know if they are just clueless of the exchange rate and they had no idea that I am feeling like I am on the losing side. There are lots of possibilities.
I have realized today that in waiting to write this, I have started to closed the doors to those people more than I was planning before writing to tell them what is up. I am feeling hollow and disconnected. I am not even sure if I could accept energy if it were coming at me. I might fight it and hide some more. But it would be nice to know if it was there, for when I can accept it again.
For claification, I have friends that are at the correct levels right now. The amount of energy going out matches the amount of energy coming in. I probably have friends that give me more energy than I give (but right now I am a sponge so I am not so good at noticing that difference). I have a lot of friends at many different levels. This post is only about a few of those. If you think you might be a friend I consider important and you haven’t been putting energy into me, then maybe this post is about you. Or maybe not.